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John Christopher The Guardians PDF 30: A Book Review and Analysis

The title and the type of court that may meet the definition of a juvenile court varies from state to state. Examples of state courts that may meet this definition include: juvenile, family, dependency, orphans, guardianship, probate, and youthful offender courts.

john christopher the guardians pdf 30

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Records of the District 5Office, and its successor, the Region 5 Office, including centralfiles, 1944-48; office files of District Director Dover Kent,1946-47; records relating to budgets and organization structure,1947-48; and annual statistical and narrative report of extensionwork, 1948. Annual and monthly statistical and narrativeirrigation project reports, 1936-42; and irrigation projectfiles, 1936-39. Central files, 1940-64. Memorandums issued byarea offices, 1957-67. Records relating to personnel, 1913-63.Records relating to investigations, 1955-64. Records of theBranch of Real Property, consisting of central files, 1955-60;statistical reports, 1956-64; records relating to condemnationsuits on Indian lands, 1953-62; farming and grazing lease files,1949-66; and oil and gas lease files, 1957-65. Records of theBranch of Land Operations, consisting of central files, 1955-60;annual narrative reports from other area offices, 1959-61;records relating to soil and moisture conservation, includingnarrative reports, 1951-59, and project files, 1947-50; andrecords relating to irrigation, including evaluation reports onlands acceptable or unacceptable for irrigation projects, 1964.Trust fund records, including correspondence, 1935-57; recordsrelating to expenditures, 1948-58, and per capita payments, 1968-69; applications for tribal employment, 1959; applications forper capita payments, 1968; records relating to rejectedapplicants, 1969; forms for guardianship of minor Indians("custody sheets"), 1968; index to Indians who were paid in 1969,ca. 1969; individual Indian money (IIM) account files, 1947-64;IIM ledger cards, 1947-63; and receipts for moneys received("official receipts"), 1950-65. Records relating to credit,including central files, 1948-62; statistical reports, 1938-56;and records relating to Indian credit associations and tribalcommittees, 1939-51. Records of the Relocation Specialist,including correspondence, 1952-63; statistical reports relatingto returned Indians and relocatees, 1953-63; lists of relocatedIndians, 1952-61; reports on individual relocated Indians andIndians who returned to Oklahoma, 1952-62; relocation("employment assistance") case files, 1952-65; and adultvocational training (AVT0) case files, 1958-65. Records of theIndustrial Development Specialist, consisting of central files,1958-63. Indian services records, consisting of tribal attorneycontract files, 1959-79. Welfare records, including letters sent,1958-63; records of the area social worker, 1961-62; narrativereports, 1954-61; statistical reports, 1952-65; and recordsrelating to the welfare budget, 1953-61. Education records,including central files, 1953-60; statistical and narrativereports relating to Indian education in public schools, 1947-57;records relating to adult education, 1957-60; student applicationcards, 1960-66; roster of students, 1959-61; index to students,1955-60; and Indian school newspapers, 1963-67. Records relatingto the Alabama-Coushatta Reservation, 1928-56.

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Letters sent, 1883-1963. Lettersreceived, 1860-1923, with registers, 1880-1957. Orders,circulars, and circular letters, 1907-52. Oil leases, 1952-64.Employment assistance reports, 1959-67. Land transaction files,1912-67. Individual Indian money (IIM) accounts, 1912-67. IIMledgers, 1919-66. Family register, 1907-10. Marriage licenses,1932-39. Press copies of letters sent, 1901-3. Records of theOffice of the Superintendent, including miscellaneouscorrespondence, 1912-16; correspondence, 1940-59; miscellaneousreports, 1867-68; annual reports, 1909-53; and annual statisticalreports, 1894-1905. Records relating to the Osage Tribal Council,1906-50. Records of the Field Solicitor, 1908-58, includingsubject files, 1924-58; individual Indian guardianship files,1919-58; and records of J.D. Wooten, Special Agent of theDivision of Investigations, 1935-40. Records of the Indian TradeSupervisor, 1898-1910. Records of the Administrative Division,including records relating to personnel, 1866-1932; fiscalmanagement, 1876-1945; facilities and property, 1876-1926; andpayments and trust fund management, 1878-1966. Records of theOsage Allotting Commission, including letters received, 1906-8;miscellaneous letters sent, 1906-9; tract ledgers, 1907;allotment schedules, 1906-9; case files, 1906-7; andmiscellaneous records, 1906-10. Records of the Osage TownsiteCommission, 1905-7. Records of the Land and Realty Division,including records relating to permits and leases, 1882-1951, andsales, 1909-65; and miscellaneous records pertaining to taxallotments and income taxes, 1910-20. Records of the Oil and GasDivision, including correspondence, 1922-45; subject files, 1920-60; records relating to leasing, 1903-47; and production andpayment records, 1905-50. Records of the Welfare Division, 1924-54. Records relating to the Extension Service, 1915-55. Recordsrelating to education, 1886-1954. Records relating to health,1883-1940. Records relating to social work, 1908-47. Recordsrelating to law enforcement, 1887-1950. Records of the OsageTribal Museum, 1868-70, 1937-42. Records of the CivilianConservation Corps-Indian Division, 1934-42. Records of theConstruction Division, 1912-35.

Textual Records (in Kansas City): General correspondence, 1896-1922; decimal correspondence, 1916-46; and Superintendent'scorrespondence, 1902-25. Correspondence relating to PipestoneIndian School, 1934-51. Attendance and enrollment records, 1894-1934, and related statistical reports, 1921-33. Student casefiles, 1924-57. Permanent record cards, 1930-50. Principal'ssubject file, 1942-55. Employee leave ledger, 1928-42; payrolls,1913-20; and retirement deductions register, 1920-33. Financialrecords, 1892-1940. Property returns, 1913-16. Heirship records,1913-24. Medical property returns, 1913-16. Roster of parents andguardians, 1909-10. Applications for enrollments innonreservation Indian schools, 1916-39. Annuity, trust fund, andservices claims, 1908-10. Individual Indian money (IIM) postingand control records, 1917-53, and abstracts, 1913-1942. Registerof clothing issued, 1901-3. Civilian Conservation Corps decimalcorrespondence, 1934-43. Correspondence, work agreements, andproduction reports of the Flandreau Garment Factory, 1934-42.

The Minnesota Judicial Branch has released new resources to help eligible parents, guardians, and custodians of a child in a juvenile protection proceeding request and receive a court-appointed attorney earlier in the process. read more 2ff7e9595c

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